Our Values: Truth, Integrity, Humility, Compassion, Courage

Who We Are

Truth In Education is a Christian advocacy group called to raise awareness of the attack on parental rights in our public, private, and many Christian schools. Our goal is to inform parents, pray for our children, and stand against these threats at all levels. We are in a spiritual battle for the hearts and minds of our children.

Our founder, Rhonda Thomas, was made aware of the attack on our children’s hearts and minds through their school curriculum as she listened to the stories of young women she discipled. Rhonda knew from experience that many laws and policies work against children and families. Truth in Education was formed from Rhonda’s calling to bring awareness of the schemes of the world working against God’s children. The Bible reminds us that “we are not to be taken captive” by such schemes.
- Colossians 2:4

Our Mission

Truth In Education exists to educate, unite, and empower parents to defend their God-given rights to guide the well-being and education of their children.

Our Vision

A society where families and children are allowed to grow in the admonition of the Lord through Christian education based on Biblical truth, where parental rights are honored, families are protected. To educate and prepare our children for the plans God has for them.

We Educate

Truth in Education informs about the harmful indoctrination programs and activities occurring in our public schools and many of our schools and how they undermine the gospel. As Christians, it is our responsibility not to be deceived.
- 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

  • We outline the intent and strategy behind the secular worldview being taught to our children under the guise of Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

  • We expose the methods of indoctrinating children to have fluid identities

  • We reveal how children are encouraged to be activists through Marxist-based movements

  • We explain the branches of Critical Theory, including Critical Race Theory (CRT); Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI); Queer Theory; Transgender Theory; Intersectionality

  • We discuss how mindfulness (transcendental meditation) is being used to expose our children to Universalism, Hinduism, Buddhism, New Age, and Humanism

  • We teach parents to recognize the terms and phrases used to hide the true meaning of what is being taught through Public Private Partnerships and organizations in our schools

  • We trace where the money used to fund curricula and online platforms is flowing from.

  • We educate on Alfred Kinsey’s pseudo-science, which was used to relax our laws protecting women and children, allow pornographic material in school libraries, and promote the normalization of deviant sexual behavior

  • We offer Biblical Advocacy Classes focusing on a secular and biblical worldview of government, corporate, and non-governmental policies. We also teach biblical-based strategies for interacting with legislators/policymakers

Next Steps – Christian Options Are Needed for Parents

  • Encourage churches to start an on-site Christian school

  • Encourage churches to open their doors as a venue for homeschooling, co-ops, and hybrid schools

  • Encourage churches to support off-campus biblically based schools

  • Encourage churches to provide scholarship money to assist families in purchasing biblically based curriculum and materials

  • Train teachers in the Principle Approach Christian School Model – The Foundation for American Christian Education https://face.net

Pray for Truth in Education

  • Pray for God’s wisdom and discernment as we move forward and place our complete trust in God’s provisions for what he has called us to

  • Pray our leadership is obedient to God’s call to share the gospel with those he places in our path, and that all we do glorifies His name

  • Pray God awakens parents to their biblical responsibility to nurture and educate their children

  • Pray for protection over God’s children who are faced with situations at school that are designed to destabilize them emotionally and mentally

  • Pray for our nation to repent and turn back to a Biblical worldview

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
— 2 Corinthains 10:4-5

We would greatly appreciate your support for our “Next Steps” to provide solutions for Christian parents. Truth In Education will continue to educate parents, the community, and legislators on the harmful ideologies and policies being written that are anti-family and anti-God, but at the same offer solutions that will transform the hearts and minds of children as they learn academically through the lens of a Biblical worldview. We Need Your Support

Every person has the chance to make a change for good – no matter how big or small. Whatever amount you can give, makes a difference for the kingdom. Your donation and those of our other supporters bring us ever closer to our goals.